Thursday, 22 October 2020

What Are the Types of Alternative Cancer Treatments

In conventional medicine, new medical treatments are assumed to be ineffective until proven beneficial for a specified number of patients. In fact, most new drugs produced in research laboratories, including those that kill cancer cells in test tubes and animals, have been shown to not work well in humans.

For this reason, doctors focus on the results of carefully conducted clinical studies. Treatments have to be proven in studies that are designed and supervised by leading experts in the field. Patient success stories, marketing brochures, and testimonials are not enough evidence to start prescribing a new drug or using a different treatment.

Proven treatments are those that have been tested following a strict set of guidelines, and that has been found to be relatively safe and effective. The results of such studies have been published in medical-scientific journals, which are those that contain articles that have been studied by other doctors or scientists in the field to ensure that they meet certain standards before being accepted and published.


Investigative Treatments

Investigational treatments are therapies that are being tested in clinical trials. Clinical trials are research projects in which a group of volunteers helps doctors determine if a new treatment is effective and safe for patients. Before a drug or other treatment is tested in patients, it is studied and tested very carefully, first in the laboratory or in animals. If the therapy has shown promise and safety in these preliminary studies, then it is put to the test in clinical studies. If they show that the benefits of it outweigh the risks, it is only at this point that it becomes part of conventional treatment.

Complementary Treatments

Complementary therapy is used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment. Some of the complementary treatments may help to relieve certain symptoms, as well as some side effects of the disease treatment; they also increase the feeling of well-being in the patient. Examples include meditation to reduce stress, peppermint or ginger tea, and guided visualizations to help relieve stress and pain during medical procedures. Other methods are massage therapy, relaxation, and meditation.

Comprehensive Therapy

It is a term that is often used to describe the combined use of conventional treatments and complementary methods. You may have heard the term comprehensive oncology. Some treatment centers and clinics currently offer this option for patients who may benefit from complimentary methods as well as conventional treatments.

Alternative Treatment

Alternative Cancer treatment is used in place of conventional treatment. They are therapies that have not been proven since they have not passed through a scientific test, or have been disapproved; that is, they have been tested but found to have no effect. These therapies may affect the patient because they are not helpful, or because they can sometimes delay the use of proven methods, or because they are actually harmful.

Treatments not supported by Evidence

The term unproven is not often used, but it can be used to describe a type of treatment that has been studied enough to determine that it is not effective for a particular disease. More often, such treatment is described as indicating that studies do not support claims that it helps fight a certain type of disease or condition.

Friday, 25 September 2020

Should You Replace Your Amalgam Fillings?


Many people have amalgam fillings. It is not widely known that mercury and silver dental fillings are unhealthy. Furthermore, amalgam fillings can release small amounts of mercury into the body when ingesting hot liquids. So, it would be best to use a natural or bio-compatible material. Toxins from amalgam fillings affect the breast, lymph, and reproductive system. So, it is imperative to have them replaced with a bio-compatible composite.  

For more info, reach this article:

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Will The Budwig Program Work For My Type of Cancer?


Is the Budwig Program effective for all types of cancer? The short answer is, yes. The Budwig approach has proven to be very effective since the 1960s and up to today. The reason the Budwig protocol works so well is that it addresses the root causes of cancer.

Learn more here:

Thursday, 23 July 2020

How the Budwig Center Seeks to Conquer Cancer? Read More About it

Alternative Cancer Treatment Clinic is one other facility helping the Budwig Center to combat the fight against cancer. One such clinic is located in southern Spain and has been authorized and bound by the original Budwig Center in Germany. And they use only natural methods to treat cancer just as Dr. Johanna Budwig had prescribed.

One such treatment method used at the clinic is the concept of integrative medicine. This is a very simple and yet effective approach for treating this deadly disease. What this type of treatment does is to holistically approach the disease by fully assessing an individual’s lifestyle and overall wellbeing. Thereafter, the mode of treatment can be tailor-made based on either conventional and alternative medicine.

Alternative Cancer Treatment Clinic

The reason as to why this kind of treatment is effective is because it combines a lot more treatment methods such as complementary, conventional, and other alternative methods into one. Such combinations enable doctors to effectively plan their approach to the disease, in the long run enabling them to use the best strategies.

Natural Esophageal Cancer treatment can be used to treat the two forms of this type of cancer, namely the Squamous Cell Carcinoma, which is known to attack the cell linings of the esophagus and the Adenocarcinoma, which mostly attacks the tissues that produce mucus and fluid in the esophagus.

However, with the emergence of the Budwig Center, cancer patients have no reason to despair as their conditions can be well taken care of no matter the stage of the disease. Therefore, when it comes to treating esophageal cancer, the center has several well thought out natural treatment methods at its disposal.

One such treatment method is known as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping in some quarters. It simply revolves around the patient's emotional pain, distress, and physical areas.  The technique is normally employed to provide an energy balance thereby significantly reducing the pain, and anxiety, including all the negative feelings, while setting the ground for the healing process to begin.

It is without a doubt that the Budwig Center is leading the way when it comes to treating cancer!