Friday, 25 September 2020

Should You Replace Your Amalgam Fillings?


Many people have amalgam fillings. It is not widely known that mercury and silver dental fillings are unhealthy. Furthermore, amalgam fillings can release small amounts of mercury into the body when ingesting hot liquids. So, it would be best to use a natural or bio-compatible material. Toxins from amalgam fillings affect the breast, lymph, and reproductive system. So, it is imperative to have them replaced with a bio-compatible composite.  

For more info, reach this article:

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Will The Budwig Program Work For My Type of Cancer?


Is the Budwig Program effective for all types of cancer? The short answer is, yes. The Budwig approach has proven to be very effective since the 1960s and up to today. The reason the Budwig protocol works so well is that it addresses the root causes of cancer.

Learn more here: